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Tel: 0208 364 0758
M: 0756 849 2772
Activity Business Cover
Specialist Insurance Provider
Call 0207 078 7540 - Request Quote - Log In

Float Room Business Insurance
Cover for floatation tanks and associated businesses
We're able to source an insurance policy which will cater for your specific requirements - providing a relaxing experience enabling you to be covered for your day-to-day business operations. We understand that many float businesses differentiate themselves and therefore need specific cover to tailor for their needs as they provide a multitude of services to their clients. At Activity Business Cover, we obtain low cost quotations which will help you protect your business' assets. However your company is set up, we can help find a solution for you.
Feel free to call us on 0207 078 7540 to discuss, or alternatively complete our online form to receive a quotation within 48hrs.

What else can we cover alongside the float room insurance?
Health Clinics / Centres
Infrared Treatments
Beauty Treatments
Modern Relaxation Techniques
and more...
Contact us to find out more.
For your peace of mind:
We use reputable underwriters to provide continuance of cover and financially sound insurance products
We specialise in the health and fitness sectors, allow us to provide impartial advice to assist with your business insurance queries.
We are based in the UK and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority - no overseas call centres.
Which types of covers are available?
These are some of the covers we can provide for your business:
Public & Products Liability
Treatment Liability
Employers Liability
Business Interruption Cover
and more...

What is Public Liability?
Cover for injury to a member of the public such as a client who comes to use your float rooms or third party property damage.
Limits of cover available:
£1m, £2m & £5m.
If I own the building we operate from, can this also be included on the policy?
Yes, we're able to offer buildings insurance as part of a business package policy.
Am I able to spread the cost of my policy by premium finance?
We are able to offer various ways in which you can pay for your insurance premium (including premium finance). Please see the blow post below for more information.
Can I tailor the cover to suit my needs?
Yes. From the outset we will discuss your requirements with you which will allow us to help save you cost by cutting out unnecessary covers. We'll then be able to advise a policy most suited to your needs.